About the Performance of the St Petersburg University Alumni Association

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Seeing the conflict that is unfolding between the University and the Alumni Association, I can’t just watch it from the sidelines.
Please tell me, can’t the University and the Association agree? From the outside, it looks very, very strange.
Yes, there are problematic spots in the Association’s Charter, there are contradictions. But they seem to be eliminated. After all, the Association has done and continues to do a lot of useful and simply cool things for students and the entire University. Scholarships, organisation of various events, including Reunion-does all this mean nothing? I apologize in advance, but why does the University, represented, as far as I understand, by the rector, behave like a small child in a sandbox who has been offended by something?
Did you find problems in the regulatory documents, announced them, but they were not corrected? Does the University itself act very quickly in such situations? Does the University itself correct something when it is pointed out to obvious mistakes, contradictions, or simply not very good and destructive practices? Judging from my experience working in the student council, this happens extremely rarely.
Continuing the point with the offended child — the chairman of the Legal Affairs Commission at the University Academic Council was not given the floor at the meeting, and what is the University’s response to this? ’We are offended and are no longer friends with you, we are breaking off cooperation.’ What for? Are you unable to negotiate? Are you unable to come to some kind of compromise that would suit both sides?
In general, it seems to me that such a situation is absurd, and the University does not show itself in the best light. I hope that instead of throwing sand at each other, the University and the Association will be able to agree and continue cooperation.

The answer of Yury Penov, Deputy Rector for Legal Affairs:

In response to your message, I would like to inform you that the information about the reasons for termination of the cooperation agreement dated 26 November 2014, concluded between the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education ’Saint Petersburg State University’ and the Alumni Association of Saint Petersburg University, you can find in the relevant section of the Virtual Reception of SPbU, the relevant information is also published in the Minutes of the Rector’s Meetings.

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