Apply for postdoctoral

Дата публикации:

Question: Dear Dr. Ekaterina Babelyk,
I would like to apply for postdoctoral research (Plant Biology) in your university(Faculty of Biology & Soil Science).
I have received PhD. degree at Armenian State Agrarian University in August 2013.
I worked in Ferdowsi university of Mashhad (Herbaceous Sciences Research Center) about 14 years.
How can apply postdoctoral research in your university?
Yours Sincerely...

The answer of Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs Ekaterina Babelyuk:

Dear Mr. Hojjat, I am sorry for my delay in answering your question. Now I am ready to inform you on the following: I expect the next competition to take place at the beginning of December. This question will be finally settled very soon. There is a special person at St.Petersburg State University who is assigned to deal with certain issues concerning Postdoctoral program. Her name is Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya You are welcome to get from her any information you need. With best regards, Sincerely, Ekaterina G. Babelyuk, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, St. Petersburg State University

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