Change University

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Question: Dear Saint Petersburg State University,
My name is Dicky Israel Napitupulu and i am from Indonesia.
I got scholarship from Russian Federation Government to study at Geology Faculty.
Now i still study Russian Language in Preparation Class (подготовительныйфакультет).
I want to continue study next year at Saint Petersburg State University (4 years) after i finish my Preparation Class (With scholarship too).
Can i continue in Saint Petersburg State University after my Praparation Class ?
If i can, i will make Заявление за поступить в Санкт-Петербургском государственном университете. Hope you respond my email. Thank you

The answer of Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs Ekaterina Babelyuk:

If you have got a scholarship from Russian Federation Government, the University for your Bachelor course is already known. According to the order of the admission of foreign citizens, scholarship for preparation course can receive only students, who have already admitted to the main educational program (bachelor / master / PhD) to the one of the Russian universities. So it means that you have already distributed to the university. If you have any questions about university you will study next, you should contact the Embassy of Russian Federation in Indonesia.

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