Question: I had done my Ph D Economics in 2002 form this university and I have lost all the documents. I only have photocopies and presently I am based in Dubai. Kindly let me know the procedure to claim the duplicate documents. thanks and regards.
The answer of Head of Legal Affairs Directorate Yury Penov: In this case we may speak about issuing two types of documents:
1. a duplicate document (diploma) if the person is a University graduate;
2. an archival statement if the person has not completed his/her studies.
If the former is true, a personal application to SPbU Rector must be filed, asking him to solicit the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for issuing a duplicate document (the application has to be a personal one — it is a requirement of the Ministry). This application is then forwarded to Mr Gogolevsky at the Expert Evaluation Centre (Marina Alekseevna is the one in charge thereof; her telephone number is +7 (812) 3264956). After the application is considered and the fact of graduation is confirmed, a letter, signed by Mr Gogolevsky, is sent to the Ministry of Education and Science (with the person's application attached), asking the Ministry to issue a duplicate diploma.
If the latter is true and an archival statement should be issued, the Academic Affairs Office must be contacted.