Dr. Sergey Tunik,
I am trying to locate Kira A. Mamkaeva based on a previous research she has published with Boris Gromov, titled "Morphology and possible host range of Rhizophydium algavorum sp. nov. (Chytridiales) — an obligate parasite of algae" 1999. I am unable to find her at St. Petersburg State University. Please advise if she still resides at SPBU.
Thank you in advance,
Maxine Passero
Boise State University
Department of Biological sciences
Boise, ID 83725
The answer of HR Main Directorate Vladimir Eremeev:
Dear Mr. Passero,
I have to inform you that Kira A. Mamkaeva is no longer an employee of Saint-Petersburg State University. Your letter was forwarded to her home address.
Kind Regards,
Vladimir V. Eremeev
Head of Human Resources Office