Question: Dear Professor
I am a faculty member of the Chemistry Dep. of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in Iran and I am going to have a short-term research in the field of the computational modeling of the bio and chemical systems in your universities. I need your help as the supervisor for this period during the July-Aug 2016. Would you please inform me about the related professors and universities in Russian? I have published many papers in this field in the famous Journals of the ACS, RSC,.. publishing and very eager to attend in your research lab and collaborate with your scientists.
The answer of Vice Rector for Research Sergey P. Tunik:
Dear Mr. Mohammad Izadyar,
Thank you for your letter and your interest in St. Petersburg State University. In regard to your request concerning a research internship at SPbSU, we are glad to inform you that a short-term research stay at our university is possible.
In your case a research internship could be realized under scientific supervision of Prof. Alexey Ismailovich Victorov, head of the Department of physical chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, St. Petersburg State University. If such an internship is still of interest for you, please contact Prof. Alexey Ismailovich Victorov (e-mail:, tel.: +7 (812) 4284066) to discuss with him the dates of your stay and the research plan. After you have agreed upon the terms of the internship, you will be provided with detailed information about the fee’s rate and other formal procedures.
Sincerely yours,
Vice-Rector for Research
Prof. Dr. Sergey Tunik