On teaching foreign students at Saint Petersburg University

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Hi! Hope you are doing well, I would like to ask if there are short term courses at the university in English? I am from Mexico and I would love to study In Russia, maybe a summer short term course.

Thanks in advance :)

The answer of Marina Lavrikova, Senior Vice-Rector for Academic Activities:

Thank you for your interest in additional educational programs of St Petersburg University.

Saint-Petersburg State University offers the opportunity to take short-term training in English in the following educational programs:

  1. Summer School of Russian as a Foreign Language at SPbU;
  2. Winter School of Russian as a Foreign Language at SPbU;
  3. Russian for English-Speaking Students;
  4. Contemporary Russian Literature.

Please, note that training in these programs is only possible in organized groups of 10 people.

Full-time training under the additional educational program can be taken by foreign students who have a study visa issued on the basis of a standard form invitation from the educational institution.

Accommodation of trainees of additional educational programs can be carried out in one of the dormitories of SPbU subject to availability.

To enroll in the program, you should fill in the application form on the SPbSU portal on the program pages linked above, having attached a copy of your passport.

For more information you can contact Director of the Center for Additional Educational Programs in the Field of Russian as a Foreign Language Olga Igorevna Popova by e-mail: olga.popova@spbu.ru.

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