URGENT Nobody is replying Telephone not answering

Published Date:

Dear Official;
I have done several attempts to get answers to my questions via email and telephone but i cannot get any response from you.

My application reference is : SPbU ref. No. 01/1-43-Y-9210

I have sent multiple emails to: rlci@spbu.ru.

Can you be kind enough to answer the questions below or direct it to someone who can as i URGENTLY need answers to arrange my coming. I would also appreciate a telephone preperably a whatsapp number.

Thank you

module A1.1

As I see on your site
the total programme is
A1 — 3 modules
A2 — 3 modules
B1 — 4 modules
B2 — 4 modules
C1 — 4 modules
C2 — 1 modules (?)
Total: 19 modules x 43.000 (rubles) = 817.000 rubles (76 weeks)

In your email you mention a fee of 516.000 rubles for one year equivalent to 12 modules, 48 weeks.

My first question is how many (and which modules) i should complete to get a proficiency level to continue physiotheraphy education at your university.

Second question is if i can pay for each modules seperately as i continue. Since the programme is modular that should be allowed.

Third question is the cost of boarding and food for my duration of stay for a single room at your campus.

Fourth question is regarding to the admissions of physiotheraphy programme. Do i need to take any additional tests for admissions or is admissions to physiotheraphy programme automatic after completing a proficiency level of russian via your “russian teaching programme”?

5- What are the starting dates for the pysiotheraphy programme for each semenster and can i enroll as a freshman to the study at any semester?

6- What is the current cost completing the 2 year physiotheraphy programme?

7- Is there any medical insurance programme for students?

8- For a Turkish national, what are the visa procedures? Should i get a student visa in Istanbul, can these visas be renewed when i am in russia?

9- The costs you refer in your email is far higher than the costs i was previously advised and came as a suprising shock. Is there any means through which i can obtain some kind of discount, waiver etc?

The answer of Marina Lavrikova, Senior Vice-Rector for Academic Activities:

Dear Yukcel Hakan Sarikus!

Thank you for your interest in additional educational programs of St Petersburg University. Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay with our response. This is due to the fact that in the period from December 29, 2024 to January 8, 2025, public holidays were held in our country and these days were non-working days.

In answer to your inquiry from 04.01.2025, I inform you that.

1. To enroll in the main programs of St. Petersburg State University in the field of Medicine, you will need the first level of proficiency in Russian — TRKI/B1. To do this, you must complete the additional program “Russian as a foreign language. General course” in 10 modules: elementary level (A1-1, A1-2, A1-3), elementary level (A2-1, A2-2, A2-3) and the first level of TRK1/B1 (B1-1, B1-2, B1-3, B1-4).

2. The minimum period of study on the program “Russian as a Foreign Language. General Course” is 4 weeks, the maximum is 76 weeks. In 2024/25 academic year, the cost of study for 1 module (4 weeks) is RUB 43 000, for 10 modules it is RUB 430 000. Payment has to be made upfront for the entire period of study.

3. Accommodation of trainees of additional educational programs could be carried out in one of the dormitories of SPbU and subject to availability. Accommodation is the responsibility of trainees and the cost of boarding and food varies depending on personal preferences.

4. International applicants have a right to be accepted for study at St Petersburg University both on places funded by the Russian Government (within the framework of the quota established by Decree No. 2150 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 18.12.2020) and on fee-paying (contractual) places.

The admissions to St Petersburg University for international applicants on places funded by the Russian Government in academic year 2025/26 are held in the form of the Open International Olympiads:

For academic year 2025/26, the application period for participation in the Olympiads lasts from November 21, 2024 to February 19, 2025. All the necessary for participation documents must be submitted via the Personal Account.

The list of the Olympiad subjects with the descriptions of Olympiad tasks is published on the SPbU Admissions Committee official website.

The list of correspondence between the Olympiad subjects and the educational programmes of the according level will be published no later than February 05, 2025.

The results of the Olympiads will be published no later than March 14, 2025.

The admissions to the fee-paying (contractual) basis will be held from 21 April 2025 to 25 June 2025. The lists of applicants who are recommended for admission at St Petersburg University on places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services based on the results of the competitive selection in 2025 will be published no later than 21 July 2025.

Information on the admission of foreign citizens for the main educational residency programmes for fee-paying (contractual) basis will be published on the official website of the Admissions Committee no later than April 1, 2025. The main educational residency program “31.08.50 Physiotherapy” was available for admission to St Petersburg University in academic year 2024/25. In academic year 2024/25 the admissions of foreign citizens for the main educational residency programmes were based on the results of the entrance examinations.

If you need any further information, feel free to contact International Admissions Office of the University by e-mail: admission@spbu.ru, or phone: +7 (812) 363—66—33.

5. Academic year at St Petersburg University starts 1 September and ends according to the study plan of the corresponding educational programme. Conventionally, academic year consists of the autumn term and the spring term. Exact dates of the academic schedule depend on the study plan of the educational programme.

6. In 2024/25 academic year the tuition fee for the main educational residency programme “31.08.50 Physiotherapy” for international applicants and stateless citizens was 388 800 rubles per a year. Tuition fee for 2025/26 academic year will be published no later than June 1 on the SPbU Admission Committee official website.

7. All trainees of additional educational programs of Russian as a Foreign Language should obtain a medical insurance policy in their country of residence or Russia. The insurance has to be in English or Russian and cover the whole period of study.

8. To attend the offline Russian as a Foreign Language program, you need to apply for the invitation for studying from SPbU and then — a Russian study visa in Turkey. To initiate the invitation process, you are requested to fill in the application form on our website and attach a PDF A4-sized scanned copy of your passport (without white borders around the image). Passport must be valid not less than during 18 months from the date of the entry into the Russian Federation. The visa could be extended for the period of the chosen program.

Also it is necessary to get acquainted with migration rules.

The address of the place of stay and registration in Saint Petersburg should be indicated in the study application form. On arrival in Saint Petersburg, within 7 days you will have to register at the place of residence and provide the University staff with a notification of migration registration.

9. There is no discount, waiver or financial assistance for the trainees participating in the additional educational programs.

For more information about the program implemented, you can contact expert on educational and methodical work of the Center for Additional Educational Programs in the Field of Russian as a Foreign Language Evgeniya Donchenko by phone: +7 (812) 363-68-95 or e-mail: rlci@spbu.ru.

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