About admission to master and phd degrees (3)

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Question: I'm an Italian Philosophy student that would like to do Master degree studies in St Petersburg University.I would to know if there are Philosophy's Masters in English language and I can't found them in the website; so if there are I would be grateful if You could give me information's links about them. Best Regards

The answer of Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs Marina U. Lavrikova: In 2012/2013 academic year Saint-Petersburg University doesn’t conduct training at main educational Master programme in the field of “Philosophy” in English. Information about the Rules of admission in the year 2013 will be published on the official website of the SPbU Admission Commission not later than 1st February, 2013 (http://abiturient.spbu.ru). Information on admission of foreign citizens to SPbU in 2012 can be found here.

Detailed information on admission of foreign citizens to Master programmes at SPbU can be found in answers to the questions concerning admission that have already been asked via the “Virtual reception”.

We highly appreciate your willingness to study at Master programmes at SPbU.


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