Вопрос: Алексей Алексеевич, вот какое предложение я получила от ученых Соединенных Штатов. Я, наверное должна получить разрешение от СПбГУ на это интервью?
Dear Dr. Baranova, The Editors of AJP-Heart and Circ would like to record an editorial podcast to discuss your recently published article Ms # H-00080-2016R2 Baranova et al., “Genetic determination of the vascular reactions in humans in response to the diving reflex.” http://ajpheart.physiology.org/content/early/2016/12/06/ajpheart.00080.2016
Associate Editor Dr. Debra Diz will host this podcast, and Dr. Charles Woods has been invited to participate as an expert in this field. Would you consider participating in the podcast as the corresponding author representing all authors?
In each AJP-Heart and Circ podcast, we highlight one featured article in an audio interview with an editor, lead author, and recognized expert in the field. Our podcasts have a casual tone and rapid-fire question and answer style. We focus on bringing the featured article into context for our listeners by providing a broad outline of the study’s novel insights, limitations, and future directions.
Each podcast is created by recording the interview via audio-only (no video) Skype conference call. Each participant needs a Skype account and headset with microphone. Recording time lasts about 30 minutes. A sound check prior to the recorded interview lasts 5 — 10 minutes. Interviews are edited down to 10 minutes. Recent podcasts are online @ http://ajpheart.podbean.com/
We would like to produce this podcast within the next few weeks. Do you have interest in working with the AJP-Heart and Circ editorial team to produce a podcast on your article? We look forward to hearing from you by Thursday, December 15.
Kind regards, Kara Hansell Keehan
Executive Editor, AJP-Heart and Circulatory Physiology
Tel: 410-961-8572
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Метки: Работа в СПбГУ