Question: I am writing to enquire about your Faculty/University's plan of organizing a conference devoted to poet Joseph Brodsky.
As the following two years look anniversary, I think there will be a lot of interest around this topic. I myself will be happy to attend it. Let me take this opportunity to wish you a very good new academic year. Kind regars. Senior Lecturer, Russian Unit, Deptartment of Foregeign Languages and Literatures, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania.
The answer of Vice Rector for Research Sergey P. Tunik:
St. Petersburg University is proud of J.Brodsky reletion to it and is going to participate in the commemoration of his 75th anniversary. A special event is planned for the 21-24th of May 2015 which is the conference "Joseph Brodsky. Challenges of studying the heritage". The conference is included in the SPSU plan of scientific events. Participants will be selected by the International committee according to the proposals sent by candidates. The chairman of the Сommittee is Dmitry Akhapkin, a prominent expert on Brodsky’s oeuvre. Currently Mr. Akhapkin is holding the position of associate professor at St. Petersburg University. The newsletter will be sent out in the near future.