Invitation of foreign students

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Question: Can youplease invite Afghan students to your university for continuing their education? Please give me some information about the Fee for Russian language programmes, dormitory, and medical insurance per year! Thanks a lot sir!

The answer of Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs Ekaterina Babelyuk:

Programs of Russian as a foreign language are carried at Saint-Petersburg University (SPbU). The programs are arranged in accordance with the module principle, each module corresponding certain level (from elementary A1 level to fluency level C2). Selection of certain module depends on current language proficiency of the applicant, which is determined upon arrival through placement test. Tuition is held in international groups, each group comprising 8-12 students, classes are held from Monday till Friday, 4 academic hours a day (9.00 - 12.10/12.20 - 15.30).

Enrollment into the programs is open through website Each trainee is required to submit an application form, attaching scanned copy of his/her passport. On the basis of the application SPbU prepares documents for Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, which, upon verification procedures, issues an invitation letter. This letter is essential to obtain a Russian study visa.

Because of the growing number of non-resident students arriving to study at bachelor and master programs, SPbU does not provide dormitory to foreign trainees studying at the supplementary educational programs “Russian as a foreign language”. Therefore, students are required to find accommodation on their own.

The medical insurance is obligatory for all foreign trainees studying in the Russian Federation and can be obtained at any insurance company in Saint Petersburg. The fee varies from 15 USD per month to 80 USD per year of stay and is subject to change because of the market volatility.

For any further questions, do not hesitate to apply to SPbU email:

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