Вопрос: Dear St Petersburg State University Press team,
I am contacting you from the Open Access Team at University College London (UCL). We manage UCL’s not-for-profit open access repository, UCL Discovery, which contains research published at our institution.
One of our academics would like to make the full text of their publication openly available in UCL Discovery:
Yampolskaya, S; (2016) The concept of “dead language” as exemplified by Hebrew. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University, Series 13, Asian Studies, African Studies (3) pp. 16-30. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu13.2016.302
Records in UCL Discovery include full bibliographic details, a link to the original publication, and a statement that re-use is subject to the publisher’s terms and conditions.
Please let us know whether you permit deposit (self-archiving) in institutional repositories by authors, and if any conditions apply.
Many thanks in advance for your help. Please note that if we do not receive a response to this email, we will make this publication available in UCL Discovery two months after the date of sending this message.
Kind regards, Lucinda
Ответ директора Научной библиотеки СПбГУ Карповой Марины Эдуардовны:
Dear Lucinda Nonhebel,
All series of journal “Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University”, including Series 13, Asian Studies, African Studies, are Open Access journals and all articles are available for free on journal site (http://vestnik.spbu.ru/ or his series https://aasjournal.spbu.ru ) and in SPbSU repository, so there are no problems with deposit of articles from our journals in open access anywhere.