Question: I have completed my PhD on termite taxonomy (based on the morphology of the soldier caste) and management also from Forest Research Institute, Dehradun/India. Presently I am working the same aspect but, I wish to work on eco-system services provided by these tiny insects, its soil formation machanism, understand their foraging behavior, how environmental conditions affect the distribution and diversity and its environmentally sustainable management with some ITKs ways, as a Research Associate at Entomology Division, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi/India. Sir can u suggest any guide for me on this topic in your estmeed institute. Sir there is any chance for me. I am sending my CV for your kind persual.


The answer of Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs Marina U. Lavrikova: In accordance with the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Education” and the “Regulations of academic and research staff training in the system of postgraduate professional education in the Russian Federation” approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Decree dated on 27.03.1998 № 814, postgraduate education in the Russian Federation includes training at main educational postgraduate programme (PhD programme) and post-doctoral studies.

Foreign citizens who have higher professional education, confirmed by a Master's Diploma are admitted to postgraduate programmes. To be admitted to post-doctoral programme applicants shall complete  postgraduate programme and have a PhD Degree.

Preparing doctoral thesis is possible both at the expense of the federal budget, and on a contractual basis.

In accordance with the Russian Federation Government Regulation dated on 25.08.2008 № 638 "On cooperation with foreign countries in the field of education" preparing doctoral thesis at the expense of the federal budget for foreign citizens is possible in the event that appropriate places will be allocated to SPbU by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Candidates  who’d like to do their doctoral thesis at the expense of the federal budget shall submit set of application documents to the International Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Requirements to the candidate’s personal data profiles and application documents are available on the website: "Education in Russia for foreign citizens," and the International Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Deadline for consideration of submitted application documents including applicant’s personal data profiles are imposed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Tuition fee per one year for post-doctoral programme in the field of your interest on a contractual basis at SPbU in 2012/2013 academic year accounted 107 000 rubles.

Application documents submission to post-doctoral programmes on a contractual basis in 2012/2013 academic year was conducted until November 15th 2012.

For participation in the competition of admission to post-doctoral programme at SPbU foreign citizens shall submit application addressed to the Rector of SPbU along with the following documents:

-          a copy of candidate of sciences diploma (PhD Diploma);

-          an application form (CV);

-          detailed plan of the doctoral thesis;

-          list of published papers and inventions;

ID document and diploma of the candidate of sciences is submitted by the applicant personally.

Foreign citizens gained academic degree abroad have to provide for a copy of the document recognized foreign academic degree in the Russian Federation issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of Russia. Admission to post-doctoral programmes at SPbU for foreign citizen is possible only in the event that his/her academic degree diploma is recognized.

Documents of the applicant to post-doctoral programme are considered on the corresponding Department meeting and afterwards on the meeting of Scientific Council, where the decision on recommendation to enrollment is made.

In order to specify details in the field of your scientific interests you can address your question to the Head of the Department of Entomology, PhD in Biology, associate Professor Vladimir Dmitrievich Ivanov, tel: (812)3289679, e-mail:,