Dentistry Training at SPbU

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Dear Sir,

Kindly be good enough to advise me on the following:
1. Requirements for entry into the College
2. Is the college part of the University of St Petersburg?
3. The length of the course of study and the curriculum content
4. Does successful completion of the course of study produce a Dentist?
5. Does the College enjoy reciprocity with other European Schools ?
6. Has any student from Jamaica successfully completed the programme in the last 20 years?
Thanking you in anticipation of an early reply.

The answer of Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs Ekaterina Babelyuk:

1) The list of the documents one shall submit to enter vocational educational programs of Saint-Petersburg State University includes:

a. an application for admission (can be filled in on the website);

b. a copy of the identity documents of a foreign national in the Russian Federation;

c. an original (or a true copy) of a duly legalized (if required) foreign document of secondary general education and its supplement;

d. 4 (four) photographs 3 х 4 cm (made during the current calendar year);

e. an original or a copy of the medical certificate specifying that the applicant does not have contra-indications against studying. It is advisable to undergo the medical examination in the Russian Federation upon arrival, as the local list of medical tests and specialists may differ from the Russian one.

All the documents must be accompanied by their certified (notarized) translations into Russian language. The application deadline is 15th of August 2015.

2) Yes, Medical College is a part of St. Petersburg State University. But Medical College belongs to the system of vocational education and carries out educational program called "Nursing Practice". Also the University carries out a program called "Dental Practice" which belongs to the system of higher education.

3) The length of the vocational educational program "Nursing practice" is 4 years. The length of the Dental Practice course (higher education program) is 6 years.

4) In order to become a dentist, you should apply to the "Dental practice" program, which belongs to the system of higher education. Upon the completion of the course in the Medical College (Nursing practice) it will be possible for you to work as a nurse only.

5) Students of vocational course "Nursing practice" can participate in academic exchange programs with several Medical colleges in the Northern Europe. As for the "Dental practice" course, the exchange programs there are more diverse.

6) Unfortunately at the moment I do not have any statistics on students from Jamaica.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact the Admission Office of Saint Petersburg State University.

The e-mails are as follows: — Vocational Educational Programs — Higher Educational Programs

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