Russian language courses at SPbU

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Question: hello 

i am studying russian language in moscow. in summer i want to come to petersburg and study there. please can you advise me do you have any russian course? 
i am waiting your nice answer and if you have course would you like to send prices also
thanks and regards

The answer of Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs Ekaterina Babelyuk:

Thank you for your letter!

If you want to join Russian language courses we would recommend you to apply to the administration of the Courses directly.

Detailed information you may find at the official web-site of the University:

Institute of Russian language and Culture:

Tel: +7(812) 327-79-55


Application on-lane is also available:

Admission is possible all over the year. Tuition fee may vary with the reference to the program you want to join.

Best regards

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