Visit to University of students from Netherlands

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Question: Dear Sir/Madam,

We are a group of Law students from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands who are planning to visit St. Petersburg on the 22nd of april 2015. We were curious about whether it is possible to visit your university and get a tour through the university.
We would be glad if this would be possible.
Yours sincerely.

The answer of Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs Ekaterina Babelyuk:

Let me thank you for your letter and interest in cooperation with Saint Petersburg University. SPbU appreciates this opportunity to promote student mobility and academic cooperation and will be glad to host law student group from the University of Utrecht in April, 2015.

Unfortunately we have to inform you that SPbU cannot act as inviting body and issue visa invitation. Nevertheless if you will finally decide and manage to come to St. Petersburg for instance with tourist visas, we could arrange a set of joint meetings and events at St. Petersburg University with participation both our law students and Law Students Union representatives.

The contact person responsible for practical issues on SPbU side are Mr. Vladimir Savinov, head of Students’ Office  ( and Ms. Ekaterina Petryanina, outgoing mobility coordinator ( , phone: 007 812 328 75 62)

Looking forward for your reply and further considerations. 

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