On the Study of the Russian Language by Foreign Citizens

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Hello I want to study in Russian language course of one year at At st peterburg university can you tell me when and how can I apply

The answer of Natalia G. Boyko, Academic affairs directorate:

Thank you for your interest in additional educational programs of St Petersburg University.

At St. Petersburg State University (further — SPbU), for those who wish to study Russian, a number of additional educational programs has been developed and is being implemented, differing in the level of complexity and duration of study.

The most popular additional educational program among foreign students is “Russian as a Foreign Language. General Course”. The program has a modular structure and is used for foreign citizens with any level of Russian proficiency, including those who have not previously studied Russian. The main feature of the program is the opportunity to become involved in the learning process on any day throughout the year. Classes are held in groups of 20 academic hours per week. The minimum duration of training is 4 weeks, the maximum duration of training is 76 weeks.

In 2024/25 academic year the cost of study for 1 module (4 weeks) is RUB 43,000, for 1 year — 516,000 rubles. Payment has to be made at once for the entire period of study.

To enroll in the program, you should fill in the application form on the SPbSU portal, having attached a copy of your passport.

For more information about the programs implemented, the terms and cost of study, you can refer to the expert on educational and methodical work of the Center of Additional Educational Programs in the Field of Russian as a Foreign Language Varvara Komarova by phone: +7 (812) 363-68-95 or e-mail: rlci@spbu.ru.

Above that for international applicants who are interested in further studying in Russian at SPbU, university offers an additional educational program “Preparatory Course (for foreign citizens)”.

SPbU offers preparatory courses for international applicants to higher education institutions in the following fields of study:

  • natural sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry);
  • engineering sciences (and technology) (mathematics, physics and informatics);
  • humanities (social science, history and literature);
  • economics (social science, history and mathematics);
  • medicine and biology (chemistry, biology and physics).

To submit your documents, you are required to make a personal account at our website “Personal Account. Preparatory Course” and fill in a questionnaire and an application form, print and sign your application for admission.

To take part in admission you have to attach in your personal account:

  • your application for admission from Personal Account;
  • a copy of your identity document;
  • your educational credential and supplements thereto;
  • a document issued by a medical institution in the country of the applicant’s residence confirming the absence of medical contraindications for studying, including confirmations from a psychiatrist and narcologist.

The 2024/25 tuition fee for offline Preparatory course was 272,000 Rubles per year. The cost is expected to increase this year.

The 2025/26 admission for offline and online Preparatory course is held from 03.02.2025 till 25.08.2025.

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact Preparatory course of the University by e-mail: precourses@spbu.ru.

Please, note that full-time training under the additional educational programs can be taken by foreign students who have a study visa issued on the basis of a standard form invitation from the educational institution.

Accommodation of trainees of additional educational programs can be carried out in one of the dormitories of SPbU subject to availability.

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