Question: Dear Vice Rector for ResearchSergey P. TUNIK!
I hope find you well and all SPbU activities moving forward with a new success as usual!
I would like to know and ask you if there are opportunities of Postdoctoral at the State University this year or from next September for 2015/2016? and what are the conditions to participate as a Postdoctoral program?
Could you please inform me about such opportunities? I tried to communicate with Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya but without feedback.
Thanks in advance and my best wishes of success to all SPbU students and Professors.
With Best Regards.
The answer of Vice Rector for Research Sergey P. Tunik:
Thank you for your interest in Saint-Petersburg State University. Postdoctoral positions are opened based on the results of the grant competition aimed at staffing support of research headed by leading scientists of St. Petersburg State University. By now the time of the next call within the framework of this competition has not been defined. Please follow information about the competition at the web-page “Postdocs’ grants” at St. Petersburg State University’s website.