Question:Excuse me. Is the programe of PHD of law by english language or not?
Best regards
The answer of Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Affairs Marina Y. Lavrikova:
I would like to inform you that current information on the basic educational programs to which St. Petersburg State University organizes admission, is posted on the official website of St. Petersburg State University in the section "Admission to St. Petersburg State University." Information about additional educational programs implemented in field of law is also posted on the official website of St. Petersburg State University.
Implementation of the first LLM program, an additional postgraduate educational program, is planned in 2016. The program will be aimed at training lawyers, who provide support to business in foreign economic activity. The program will include three modules: Russian corporate law, comparative corporate law and a module of practical training and preparation of final qualifying work.
This program is expected to be taught in Russian.
However, taking into account the dynamics of replenishment "portfolio" of both basic and additional educational programs of St. Petersburg State University, in the near future the development and implementation of the LLM program, which will be taught in a foreign language, can not be excluded. Follow the information about admission to St. Petersburg State University on the official website of St. Petersburg State University in the relevant sections.