Admission to Economics

Published Date:

Question: Dear Ekaterina,
Excuse me i'm international student and i want to apply at Bachelor degree of Economics , i want to know the tuition and fees of accommodation (on fee paying basis) , and some details about preparatory school ( the period, tuition) 
so for all that when can i apply if i will apply to preparatory school or the program of economics ?
Thank you

The answer of Senior Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Ekaterina Babelyk:

Thank you for your letter.

International applicants can be admitted to SPbU both to places on a fee-paying (contractual) basis and to places funded by the Russian Government (Scholarship includes tuition fee and academic scholarship).

Admission information for the 2015 academic year about places funded by the Russian Government is published at the web-site of the University
Information regarding admission in 2016 will be published at the official web-site of the University in April 2016.

Information about places on a fee-paying (contractual) basis is available here.

Here you may find additional information about exams.

Tuition fee for the program may vary and depends of the program. Information about tuition fees are published on the web-site of the University.

Learning language for most of programs is Russian, but some programs Master’s programs are offered in English.

You also need to submit Diploma of your previous education with legalization with diploma's notarized transcript (it should be notarized in Russia or in Russian embassy). You also should have an application for Admission to an educational program, copy of an identity document with the indication of nationality and photographs 3 x 4 (4 pieces), made during the calendar year. A list of full requirement you may find here.

List of Master’s program offered in English language is available here.

Information about dormitories you may find here. Dormitory fee depends on the type of dormitory and may vary from 790 to 1200 rubles per month for fee-paying students.

Expenses for living in St. Petersburg (transportation expenses, meals etc.) make up about 25000 rubles per month.

We regret to inform you that SPbSU does not offer any special preparatory course in Economics.

If you want to join Russian language courses first in order to improve your language skills, please, see information here.

If you will need any further information please do not hesitate to contact International Admissions Office of the University by e-mail:

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