PhD course in Saint Petersburg University

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My name is Nguyen Thanh Vinh. I'm from Vietnam. As I know, your institution provide Part time PhD course in business administration. I'm really interested in this. I already got PhD in Business Administration from Philippines university. I would like take to have another PhD from you. So, I have to questions:
- Do you provide PhD course in English?
- Could I take the course without travelling to Russia?
- With my last PhD dissertation, could I use this as the basic for my dissertation for this PhD?
- How long for this course?
- How much is course fees?

The answer of Acting for Senior Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Affairs Ekaterina Babelyuk:

International applicants can be admitted to SPbU both to places on a fee-paying (contractual) basis and to places funded by the Russian Government (Scholarship includes tuition fee and academic scholarship).

Admission information about places funded by the Russian Government is published at the web-site of the University

Information about places on a fee-paying (contractual) basis is available here.

Here you may find information about tuition fees for last year.

Here you may find information about entrance examinations.

You also need to submit Diploma of your previous education with legalization with diploma's notarized transcript (it should be notarized in Russia or in Russian embassy). You also should have an application for Admission to an educational program, copy of an identity document with the indication of nationality and photographs 3 x 4 (4 pieces), made during the calendar year. A list of full requirement you may find here.

List of PH.D programs you may find here.

Please mind, that all Ph.D programs are offered in Russian. If you want to join Russian language courses first in order to improve your language skills, please, see information here.

Ph.D. program is main educational program which lasts 3 academic years, and it is full-time program therefore you can not take this course without traveling to Russia.

If you will need any further information, please, do not hesitate to contact International Admissions Office by e-mail:, or by phone: (812) 328-32-91.

Best regards!

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