Application and Visa

Published Date:

Good Morning.
I applied for the preparatory course with a Medical oriented program (the On-Campus modality) since I’m currently living in Saint Petersburg. My question would be, could I have an answer about my application before August 15th? My Visa experiences on September 30th and the procedure has do be done 45 days before so I want to start the Visa Procedure as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Jennifer Perez

The answer of Aleksandr Babich, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Admissions:

Dear Jennifer Perez.

Thank you for your interest to study at the Saint-Petersburg State University. The results of the Preparatory course intake in 2020 will be published by the August, 30th at the official website. If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact International Admission office of the University by email

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