Admission of foreign citizens to PhD programmes at SPbU (7)

Дата создания

Дата публикации: . Категория: Senior Vice-Rector for Education.


Question: Dear Ms Lavrikova. I am writing to you from Serbia. I am interested in studying abroad, and Russia is one of most interesting countries for me. I am currently studying at Univeristy of Kragujevac, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematicsin Kragujevac. I have bachelor degree (240 ECTS) in biology, and at the moment I am at the second year of master studies. My average grade is 8,8.
I had Russian as my second foreign language subject during my elementary and highs school education, but I am not so good with the grammar, and that is why I am referring to You in English. Мy question is how can I apply to PhD studies at SPbSU, and when is the deadline for applying? Thank You for your time.

The answer of Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs Marina U. Lavrikova: Let me express my gratitude for your interest towards Saint-Petersburg University.

Information on admission to SPbU main educational programmes of postgraduate professional education can be found in the answers to questions that were asked via the Virtual reception earlier.

Information on admission to SPbU main educational programmes of postgraduate professional education in 2012 can be found on the official website of SPbU Admission Committee.

Rules of admission to SPbU main educational programmes of postgraduate professional education 2013 will be published on the official website of SPbU Admission Committee in March-April 2013.

Information on Russian language courses can be found here.

