Possibility for georgian citizens to enter SPbSU

Дата публикации:

Категория: Хуршудян Александр Леонович.

Question:hi, i'm from Georgia, is it possible for Georgian citizens to study in your university??

The answer of Acting for Head of Admission Directorate  Alexandr V. Babich:

Thank you for your letter.

Georgian citizens have the following variants to apply to Saint-Petersburg State University:

1. Georgian citizens may apply to places funded by the Russian Government on the rights equal to the rights of RF citizens in a frame work of Federal Law No. 99-FZ “On the State Policy of the Russian Federation Concerning Compatriots Residing Abroad” (May 24, 1999).

2. International applicants can be admitted to SPbU both to places on a fee-paying (contractual) basis and to places funded by the Russian Government (Scholarship includes tuition fee and academic scholarship).

Admission information about places funded by the Russian Government is published at the web-site of the University.

Information about places on a fee-paying (contractual) basis is available here.

Here you may find information about exams. You exams depends on your specialty.

Here you may find information about tuition fees for last year (tuition fees for 2015-2016 academic year will be publish before the 1st of June).

Best regards
