Master degree

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Posted in Первый проректор по образовательной деятельности

Question: Have a good day. I want to enter master dagree program about Cancer biyology. But i need information. How can i be able to enter a master program in SPSU? thank you in advance.

The answer of Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs Ekaterina Babelyuk:

Thank you for your letter.
 International applicants can be admitted to SPbU both to places on a fee-paying (contractual) basis and to places funded by the Russian Government (Scholarship includes tuition fee and academic scholarship).

Admission information for the coming academic year about places funded by the Russian Government will published at the web-site of the University assoon as it will be stated on the web-site. Information for the admission procedure of last year you may find here.

Information about places on a fee-paying (contractual) basis is available here.

Here you may find information about exams. Your exams depends on your specialty. For example, if you want to apply for Master program in biology “Cellular Biology, Cytology, Histology, Immunology”, you have to pass a complex test in Biology and submit TORFL 2 certificate, as far as this program is taught in Russian.

Here you may find information about tuition fees for last year (tuition fees for 2015-2016 academic year will be publish before the 1st of June).

You also need to submit Bachelor's Diploma with legalization with diploma's notarized transcript (it should be notarized in Russia or in Russian embassy). You also should have an application for Admission to an educational program, copy of an identity document with the indication of nationality and photographs 3 x 4 (4 pieces), made during the calendar year.A list of full requirement you may find here.

Useful information for the holders of foreign documents of education you may find here.
