Summer course

Published Date:

Posted in Лаврикова Марина Юрьевна


I wonder whether you offer a summer course next July for totally beginners

The answer of  Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Affairs Marina Y. Lavrikova:   

Thank you for your interest in our University. It was unclear from your letter which specific type of programs you are interested in. At the moment Saint-Petersburg State University has following summer programs for foreigners:

1.  Russian language practice. Duration: from 3 weeks to 3 months, 20 hours per week. Program studies the aspects of cultureology, speech practice, grammar practice, analytical reading, writing, audition, business language.

2.  Intensive courses of foreign languages (English). Duration: 1 month, 36 hours per week.

3.  Artes Liberales.  Duration: from 104 to 256 hours on 3 months. The program focuses on improvement of spoken and written Russian language.
