What I should know to be admitted to SPBU?

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Posted in Лаврикова Марина Юрьевна

Question: I want to get admitted on your University on undergraduate programme. I have a Toefl ibt score of 74 and i have combined Sat score 1370(Critical reading 370, math 560 and writing 440). I also have IELTS overall score 6.5(Reading 5, Listening 7.5,Speaking 6.5, writing 6). My S.S.C GPA is 5.00 and my H.S.C GPA is 4.80 out of 5.00 points. I took active part on cultural programmes and co-curricular activities on my school life. I was also a team member of our school Cricket team. I have a good experience of playing Cricket. My question is am I eligible for admission and how much funding I have to show to get admission?Is there any facility of getting full fund or financial help. I am looking forward for your replay.

The answer of Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Affairs Marina Y. Lavrikova:

International applicants can be admitted to SPbU both to places on a fee-paying (contractual) basis and to places funded by the Russian Government (Scholarship includes tuition fee and academic scholarship 1340 rubles per month in 2013/14 academic year).

All information about the competition for scholarship, organized by the St. Petersburg State University, including a list of required documents as well as deadlines for documents submitting are published on the web-site of SPBU Admission Committee in the part "Admission of foreign citizens".
All information regarding fee-paying basis including lists and forms of admission tests you can find here.

Please, pay attention that all Bachelor and Specialist programs are taught in the Russian language. If you don’t have any background in Russian you can take a preparatory course which lasts 10 months. Upon completion of the course students obtain a graduation certificate in a standard-form. As well, they can take a state examination “Test of Russian as Foreign Language” (TORFL) and obtain a certificate of a correspondent level which is necessary for admission into the University (TORFL-1 for Bachelor programs, TORFL-2 for Master programs).

More detailed information about the foundation course in Russian language and a full list of programs offered you can find here.

Sign up for a course.

If you have any questions regarding Russian language course don’t hesitate to contact Russian Language and Culture Institute +7 812 323-46-82 and info@rlci.spbu.ru. If you have questions about admission procedure into the SPBU, please, contact Admission Office for foreign applicant +7 812 328 32 91 and admission@spbu.ru.

