Study medicine

Published Date:

Posted in Лаврикова Марина Юрьевна

Question: This year i graduate from high school. I need to know how can i study medicine in your univesity? You accept student for thier school rate or they have to pay to study?

The answer of Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Affairs Marina Y. Lavrikova: 

Foreign citizens are enabled to apply both for state-funded educational places at the SPbU (funded from the budget of Russian Federation) and for fee-paid education. Admission procedure to the fee-paid education includes entry examinations for foreign applicants that must be attended in person at the SPbU. Information about applying for fie-paid places is available through the link:

As specified in the Governmental decree of Russian Federation (October, 8 2013 № 891 "On Fixing an Education Quota for Foreign Nationals and Stateless Citizens in the Russian Federation".), foreign citizens are provided an opportunity to take part in an Open Competition for state-funded educational places at the SPbU (funded from the budget of Russian Federation). List of required documents and deadlines for application are published on the SPbU Admission office web site (paragraph “Admission of international applicants”).

Please, point out that the most programs in SPbU are taught in the Russian language. List of the programs which are taught in English you can find here.

 A preparation course in Russian lasts 10 months. Upon completion of the course students obtain a graduation certificate from SPbU. As well, they can take a state examination “Test of Russian as Foreign Language” (TORFL) and obtain a certificate of a correspondent level which is needed to apply for studies at the SPbU. More detailed information about the foundation course and a full list of programs offered you can find here.

If you have any questions, please, don’t hesitate to contact Admission office for foreign applicant, +7 (812) 328-32-91.
