Studying Russian as a foreign language at SPbSU

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Posted in Лаврикова Марина Юрьевна

Hello dear,

I would like to take Russian Language course for beginners ( I can only read the alphabet so far) anytime between june 28-August15.

I would like to start as 1 week first and extend a few weeks over there if everything goes well ( my learning and vacation situation status).

So, I would like to know:

1- Is there accommodation possibility for Russian course students

2- What type of visa do I need and what should I do for it? ( I hold US passport)

3- what is the total fee for this ( course+room everything offered in packet)

Thank you very much.

Ответ первого проректора по учебной работе Марины Юрьевны Лавриковой:

Dear Ayarig Leo!

Thank you for your interest in additional educational programs of St. Petersburg State University.

In answer to your inquiry from 27.11.2023, I inform the following.

At St. Petersburg State University, for those wishing to study Russian, a number of additional educational programs has been developed and is being implemented, differing in the level of complexity and duration of study. The most popular additional educational program among foreign students is the program "Russian as a Foreign Language. General Course". The program has a modular structure and is used for foreign citizens with any level of Russian language proficiency, including those who have not previously studied Russian. The main feature of the program is the opportunity to become involved in the learning process on any day throughout the year. The minimum period of study in the program "Russian as a Foreign Language. General Course" is 4 weeks, the maximum is 2 years. Classes are held in groups 20 academic hours per week. The cost of the minimum period (1 module) of study is 43 000 rubles.

In addition, St. Petersburg University offers short-term training programmes lasting from 1 to 3 weeks. The aim of short-term programmes is to help students improve their Russian language proficiency, develop speaking skills, and gain regional knowledge about Russia, Russian culture, and St. Petersburg. The tuition fee depends on the number of study weeks. You can find the cost of training on our website:

Please, note that full-time training under the additional educational program can be taken by foreign students who have a study visa issued based on the invitation from an educational institution. To enroll in the program and issue an invitation, you need to fill in the application form on the SPbSU portal.

Accommodation can be carried out in the dormitories of SPbU. The cost of living in a dormitory is from 210 rubles per day.

For more information about the program implemented, you can contact the experts on educational and methodical work of the Center for Additional Educational Programs in the Field of Russian as a Foreign Language Olessia Laschevskaya or Natalia Kiselyova by phone: +7 (812) 363–68–95 and e-mail You can also find the information on the section of the SPbSU portal "Programs / The Russian Language for Foreigners".
