Exchange student at SPbU

Published Date:

Posted in Senior Vice-Rector for Education

Question: Hi, I am a student at the University in Tromsø in Norway, I study Automation Engineering and I want be an exchange semester from about January 2013 till about May/June 2013. I was wondering if your University has its lesson/classes in English so I will be able to attend your university or not.
For me to get the semester validated to do subjects which are similar to the ones listed in the attached document, please contact if you might be the university I want to attend next year.

The answer of Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Ekaterina Babelyuk: I’m glad to let you know that there is a valid Protocol on Student Exchange between Saint-Petersburg University (SPbU) and the University of Tromsø, so you can apply to SPbU as an exchange student for 1 or 2 terms providing your University nominates you. Please note that application deadline for the autumn term and academic year is 15th May, for the spring term – 15th November. The list of required application documents and information on admission procedure can be found on our web page.
But I would like to inform you that for the present there are courses on process management taught only in Russian at SPbU. More detailed information on the academic offer in this field of study can be found on the web-page of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes.

