On international admissions at St Petersburg University

Published Date:

Posted in Aleksandr V. Babich

Dear Admissions Office,
I hope this email finds you well. I am currently in the process of submitting my application for admission to Saint Petersburg University. However, I am unable to proceed with the submission due to some missing documents, specifically:
Participation in scientific events (conferences, round tables), Advanced training
Other documents that I do not possess
Additionally, I have some documents that are not yet translated into English, which is preventing me from completing my application.
I would like to inquire whether there are alternative solutions for applicants who do not have some of the required documents. Would it be possible to proceed with the submission without them, or should I provide an explanation letter?
I appreciate your guidance on this matter and look forward to your response.
Best regards

The answer of Aleksandr Babich, Vice‑Rector for Youth Policy and Admissions:

Thank you for your interest in St Petersburg University.

International applicants have a right to be accepted for study at St Petersburg University both on places funded by the Russian Government (within the framework of the quota established by Decree No. 2150 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 18.12.2020) and on fee-paying (contractual) places.

The admissions to St Petersburg University for international applicants on places funded by the Russian Government in academic year 2025/26 are held in the form of the Open International Olympiads:

  1. The Open International Olympiad for Foreign Students (admission to bachelor’s and specialist’s programmes)
  2. The Open International Olympiad for Foreign Students of Bachelor’s programmes (admission to master’s programmes)
  3. The Open International Olympiad for Foreign Students of Specialist’s and Master’s Programmes (admission to doctoral programmes for training research and teaching staff)

For academic year 2025/26, the application period for participation in the Olympiads lasts to February 19, 2025. All the necessary for participation documents must be submitted via the Personal Account until the end of the application period.

The lists of the Olympiad subjects with the descriptions of Olympiad tasks are published on the SPbU Admissions Committee official website. The lists of correspondence between the Olympiad subjects and the educational programmes of the according level are published here.

The required documents for participation in the Olympiads are listed in clause 2.3 of each of the Regulations on Olympiads — “Regulation on St Petersburg University Open International Olympiad for International School Students in the 2024/2025 Academic Year”, “Regulation on the St Petersburg University Open Olympiad for International Students in the Bachelor’s Programmes in the 2024/2025 Academic Year” and “Regulation on the St Petersburg University Open International Olympiad for International Students in Specialist’s and Master’s Programmes in the 2024/2025 Academic Year”. In accordance with clause 2.4 of all of the above-mentioned Regulations, all the documents specified in clause 2.3 shall be provided in electronic digital form as clearly legible digital images (copies) in the Russian language or with translations into the Russian language (the texts of translations into the Russian language shall be certified by a notary or by authorised institutions in accordance with the legislation and international treaties of the Russian Federation). According to the clause 2.5, provision of the incomplete set of documents is the ground for refusal of the participant’s application.

SNILS is not listed as a necessary document for participation in any of the above-mentioned Regulations. Accordingly, failure to submit your SNILS does not make you ineligible for participation in the Olympiads. All the documents listed in the descriptions of the Olympiad tasks are provided in accordance with the rules provided within the descriptions.

The results of the Olympiads will be published no later than March 14, 2025.

Please note that majority of the degree programmes of St Petersburg University are implemented in Russian. For foreign citizens who want to improve their Russian language skills, St Petersburg University implements an additional educational programme “Preparatory Department (for International Applicants)” and courses in Russian as a foreign language.

If you need any further information, feel free to contact International Admissions Office of the University by e-mail: admission@spbu.ru, or phone: +7 (812) 363-66-33.
