On admission of foreign citizens to master's programmes of St Petersburg University

Published Date:

Posted in Aleksandr V. Babich

Hi. Could you please provide information on the master’s courses available in English?
I apologize, I’m not sure who to assign this to. If you’re not responsible for this question, kindly forward this thread to the appropriate person. Thanks

The answer of Aleksandr Babich, Vice‑Rector for Youth Policy and Admissions:

Thank you for your interest in St Petersburg University.

International applicants have a right to be accepted for study at St Petersburg University both on places funded by the Russian Government (within the framework of the quota established by Decree No. 2150 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 18.12.2020) and on fee-paying (contractual) places.

The admissions to St Petersburg University for international applicants to master’s degree programmes on places funded by the Russian Government in academic year 2025/26 are held in the form of the Open International Olympiad for Foreign Students of Bachelor’s programmes.

For academic year 2025/26, the application period for participation in the Olympiad lasts to February 19, 2025. All the necessary for participation documents must be submitted via the Personal Account.

The list of the Olympiad subjects with the descriptions of Olympiad tasks is published on the SPbU Admissions Committee official website. The list of correspondence between the Olympiad subjects and the educational programmes of the according level is published here. Please notice Olympiad subjects in English and corresponding educational programmes.

The results of the Olympiads will be published no later than March 14, 2025.

Information on admission to fee-paying (contractual) basis is published on the official website of the Admissions Committee. The application period for the fee-paying (contractual) basis in 2025 — from 21 April 2025 to 25 June 2025. The lists of applicants who are recommended for admission at St Petersburg University on places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services based on the results of the competitive selection in 2025 will be published no later than 21 July 2025.

The list of available educational programmes and entrance examinations for admission of international applicants to master’s degree programmes on fee-paying (contractual) basis is published on the SPbU Admissions Committee official website.

The tuition fee depends on the chosen educational programme. Information about the tuition fee in the 2024/25 academic year can be found on the website of the Admissions Committee. Up-to-date information on tuition fees in the 2025/26 academic year will be published no later than June 1, 2025 on the website of the Admissions Committee.

If you need any further information, feel free to contact International Admissions Office of the University by e-mail: admission@spbu.ru, or phone: +7 (812) 363-66-33.
